Day trip to Logrono.

3 september 2016 - Logroño, Spanje

Had a walk down to the Guggenheim and it was already warm at 11:00 in the morning, 25°C. We had planned to walk to the station, 20 minutes said our host. Well we decided just to be sure we would leave one and a half hours earlier. Perfect choice, had a light lunch in a cafe then stepped into our train with 15 minutes to spare. Arrived in Logrono to find it was a lovely 40°C! Yes indeed, bloody hot. Never mind out of bed tomorrow at 6. It's only 30 km.
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2 Reacties

  1. Tim:
    3 september 2016
    Good journey!
  2. Hetty:
    4 september 2016
    Hopelijk hebben jullie vandaag wat schaduw op jullie pad ;-) geniet!!