One man show.

7 september 2016 - Belorado, Spanje

Set off on my own today. Linda is having foot problems so we decided a day with the bus is the best choice.

Got up and checked the weather, 13°! Actually cold, I had to put a fleece on. As the hostel was on the edge of town was quickly into the totally unlit countryside. Needed to take care as the path was going up and down and left right.

After an hour the sun started to clear the mountains and another beautiful day had started. The route between Najera and Belorado has several villages including one with a never-ending street. At least a 1km long.

The sun rise was beautiful.

Along the way got chatting with the several people, there is no reason to be alone on the Camino. Many people are walking and are happy to share their story with you.

Arrived in Belorado hot and a little weary so fell into shady cafe and enjoyed iced coffee and octopus pinchos. Why not.


2 Reacties

  1. Anjes Bicknese:
    7 september 2016
    Well done, Fergus! Ondanks de hitte, en zonder Linda's gezelschap... Hoe is het met haar voeten? Ook in de iced coffee? Zie advies van Frankie ;-)
    Hopelijk gaat het beter en kunnen jullie morgen weer samen lopen! Liefs!
  2. Jan-Thijs:
    7 september 2016
    Hio Fergus,
    Ja, arme Linda, ze heeft er echt behoorlijk de pest in dat haar voet niet wil.
    Mooie pics verder, aan het uitzicht ligt het iig niet.
    Loop ze!